I'm sorry

Ok, it's been on my mind for awhile... My lack of updating the blog... is ... shameful!

I'm going to do my best to blog more during phase 3 of my P90X journey! Monday I want to start posting more, I need one more weekend of my "blog recovery month"

{Small Phase 2 Recap}
I have been doing regular doubles (normal workout in the morning and hiking the mountain after work!) Its been killer for my legs as the hike is excessively uphill and tough as nails! This phase has been incredible, I absolutely love P90X and how it has already changed my life in nearly 2 months! I love the workouts Phase 2 gave me, and just as I got to like them and get a little more accustomed to them, recovery week, and new workouts!! LOL

I have to say as well the P90X youtube community has just heightened the experience of this journey! I've never been more motivated or pumped to workout in my life and its all thanks to a little insanity on my part and the fantastic youtube community! I'm going to post a "exotic location" phase 2 recap with some pics hopefully this weekend (I know I'm making the video tomorrow)

YOU ALL ARE FREAKIN GREAT! Much love goin out to ya all!

Talk to you all soon, Phase 3 Starts MONDAY



Unknown said...

That's more like it! hahaha Nah, I'm just messing with ya, bro. Glad to see things are still going great for ya, and I'm loving the vids! Keep it up!

TripleQ said...

It's good to see that Anthony can guilt you into updating your blog. Me? I'm not so susseptable. However, I decided to do the same only because you asked me so nicely. Mind you, mine isn't nearly as short and sweet as yours....

There's something about reading what a person has to say as opposed to seeing and hearing them say it. Somehow though, you manage to show the same enthusiasm in your blogging as you do in your videos, both of which I thoroughly enjoy.

Keep up the great work, Parry.

Much love!

TripleQ said...

Dang it! I forgot to spell check "susseptable" (which is actually "susceptible")! I knew it was spelled with a "c" but I wasn't sure about the "i".... I'm usually so disciplined about that!
