Allow me to explain :)

I know, I've been MIA for a few weeks on my blogs (both here and at youtube) I haven't stopped working out or anything... quite the contrary. Workouts are still in full swing and hiking is still going on multiple times a week. Chest Shoulders and Tri KICKED MY ASS last night, its the first time that I've used my dumbbells and it was tough as nails!!

However work has been crazy, crazy, crazy the last few weeks. Thats nice though because I work for an extremely small company and we've been pretty slow for the last few months. I'm extremely happy for the work but it's been a hectic few weeks, and I think there will be a few more weeks before we're not as crazy.

I hope everyone is still bringing it!! I just started WEEK 11 and I'm super excited to kick day 90 in the butt! I'll try and post something on youtube this weekend so everyone knows I'm still alive!!


TripleQ said...

You mother freakin' gosh darn son of a biscuit!

Parry, my boy, you had me worried there for a while. When a guy is so used to seeing another guy post a video or comment as frequently as you had, the guy starts to wonder if something bad happened.

Fortunately, I had a friendly neighborhood Angelee to assure me that everything was hunky-dory. But don't you think about doing that again, ya hear?!

It's good to read that you've been keeping up with the workouts; mind you, I never once suspected that you had quit. Week 11, eh? Sounds super sweet! This is only your first time using dumbbells in this program? What is the weight of each dumbbell?

I'm sorry for your hectic work schedule, but I'm glad for your company's sudden boom in business. It's a double-edged sword, but it's better to be wielding it than to be at the end of it.

By the by, did you know you can post an update to your blog via cell phone? You should look into just in case you find that you're away from the computer for another long while. Just a suggestion. ;-)

It's really good to have you back, Parry. I hope you get around to making that video of yours...I could sure use some of that awesome smile power of yours. Until then though, I'll just have to push through my workouts some other way. Have a super awesome day, buddy!

Much Love!


Unknown said...

Parry, glad to hear everything is still going solid! I was worried about ya for a bit. Congrats on the success of your work lately, that is good. Just make sure you rest enough. Later bro!