This year will be my Focus of Fitness year!
I just finished a re-introduction to P90X week of workouts. This year is the year I work on my fitness and health and not just short term, as I have been notorious for in the past.
The plan is now one round of P90X, immediately followed by a round of P90x Plus. (finishing around July 4th) Then a few weeks of recovery and then I'm planning a round of INSANITY!!
Anyway.. Round One starts tomorrow (1/11) Here are my measurements and fit test stats..
Height - 5'11"
Weight - 166lbs
Body Fat - 21% (35lbs fat) (131 lbs lean muscle)
Chest - 39"
Waist - 36"
Hips - 35"
rt arm - 12.5" left arm - 12.25"
rt thigh - 20.5 left thigh - 21"
Calves - 14.5"
FIT TEST NUMBERS (I've never done this before any other round of P90X)
Resting Heart Rate - 78.. yikes!!
Sit and Reach - +3"
Pushups - 18 (could have done more.. I've lost a lot of strength since my last round)
Pullups - 3.25 (again.. wow.. its been awhile)
Vertical Leap (hardly a leap) - 13.25"
Wall Squat - 1:13
Well, there it is.. Pics and results in 90 days .. then more .. then MORE..
TIME TO BRING IT IN 2010!! This is going to be the best year ever!!
Updated 2010 Fitness Itinerary
A New Years Resolution.. of sorts...
The new year always brings a crop of new years resolutions.. I personally think its a tad crazy to assume that a day of the week or day on the calendar means anything more than any other day. But it is fantastic in the fact that many people DO make their minds up to do something. That in and of itself is winner.
That being said.. I have some things I want to change in the upcoming year :)
~I will finish what I start~
This is sort of an all-encompassing "resolution."
Over the last year I have been the master of "on Monday I will start..." Anything, I began working out SEVERAL times this year, usually for about a week at a time. Part of my plan is to get back into P90X with no excuses or deviations from the prescribed workout regimen. The goal at this very juncture is 2 rounds of P90X before July 4th. I have never felt better than when I was in the process of completing P90X. I will feel that way again.
I also began attempting to learn a new language. Of course, this was put on the back burner several times. This year I really want to learn something new, expand my brain. Not sure language I'm going to go with yet (Italian, German, Chinese, Portuguese, who knows)
All of this (and much more) is directly because of my recent lack of determination, and hopefully this year will be the end of that!!
~I want to read a few books just for the joy of reading~
~Curse/Swear Less~
It was brought to my attention last night that I curse a lot... F#@$% I had no idea! I will try and tone down my language.. make myself a little more socially acceptable :) No reason to curse..
I have high hopes that 2010 will be the fantastic year that I had hoped 2009 would be, but alas, was not!