I'm at work so I can't be too long winded. :)
After work Thursday I ended up running around like a mad man trying to get some things in order so I decided to switch YogaX to Saturday and do KenpoX early. I have time on Saturday to give Yoga the attention it deserves..haha...
One thing I've noticed this week is not necessarily that my arms are becoming huge or anything yet (although there are gains in that department) It's the structural muscles are beginning to thicken up, I've had terrible shoulders forever, they've always felt weak. I'm noticing that my shoulders, hips, and core muscles are becoming more structurally sound, like a foundation has been laid. It's just a cool thing to feel develop, so much more than I've ever experienced. And to think that I'm not quite two weeks into this. It really gets me pumped for the days to come with this program.
Anyway I better get back to work before I get fired or something and I'm doing P90X on the streets of Phoenix.
Legs & Back and AbRipperX Tonight!!
Be happy that you are getting results like that this early on! You are doing great!
I am noticing some changes in the shoulders and stuff too. I think it will really come along in the next phase though. BRING IT!
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