P90X Phase 2 -Day 1

Phase 2 of P90X starts for me today with Chest, Shoulders, & Tricepts then AbRipper. I'm excited to start the next phase and hopefully feel as lost and hurt as much as I did when I started Phase 1! I'm sure I have a world of hurt in store...LOL. I'm so ready to bring it though!

My Phase 1 wrap up is loaded on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a9zei__TNo

I did some progress pics from the Day 0 (technically Day -10) to Day 30ish of Round 1. I added another pic of me when I was super heavy 5 years ago. It was tough to put that online because I was so thouroughly disgusted with myself at that time with how I looked and what crap I was going through because of it. I keep those pics as reminders of where I don't want to be again. P90X is taking me even further than I thought it would in the first round! I'm always excited to see what the 90th day brings and then ahead to the next round, because its a Marathon not a Sprint!

Here is one of my pics... dont laugh too hard :)


Unknown said...

I like that; it's a marathon...not a sprint! It is that for the both of us, bro! I am looking forward to my 300th day and beyond...until then, I will just be giving it my all every day. I know you will too!