Week 2 Day 3 - I scaled to the peak

today was a bear of a day.

I woke up early to get my P90X workout in, today, shoulders & arms. I love that workout. Weights were up, I was definately feelin it today. I enjoyed the morning workout and it kind of energized me for the day. I can't believe its been nearly two weeks since I started!

My big news of the day is I finished the entire trail at Piestewa Peak, yesterday we made it just under 3/4 of the way up and today I was determined to make it the rest of the way. My friends on the other hand were happy getting back up to where they were yesterday. So I left them behind and climed the last half mile almost straight up to the top (keep in mind it was still 106 here...lol). What an incredible feeling!! Piestewa Peak's Summit Trail is just over 1.5 miles and it rises up a rather steep way... i think the total height of the peak is around 2600 feet. Anyway it was incredible and it just makes me want to do more... here is a pic of me at the top... I'm going to try and get into it more on my youtube blog later this weekend...

Anyway I'm completely gassed from the hike... I have to make up AbRipperX in the morning. Off to bed...

Thanks for checkin in...

Keep Bringing It!!!


Unknown said...

Nice! I bet your body benefited from this day! Mucho calorie burning! Good job, man!


Christy said...

cute photo! :)